Feedback & Next Steps

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to get involved with the project.

We held an online presentation and Q&A (on Tuesday 21st February 2023) and two drop-in events (on Tuesday 7th March and Wednesday 8th March 2023) in Rufforth and Hessay. We reviewed all the feedback received as we finalised the proposals, and we submitted our planning application to City of York Council on 27th March 2023. This was subsequently approved by the Planning Committee on 8th February 2024. You can read about how your feedback helped shaped the plans here.

The application will now be referred to the Secretary of State who will decide whether he wants to ‘call in’ the application and determine it himself, or whether the decision taken by the Council’s Planning Committee can stand.

We will keep this website updated as the project progresses, and if you have any questions about the solar farm you can email